Stolen Tongues: Novel Review

Obviously modern authors face a difficulty when it comes to representing cultures that aren't their own. And obviously I don't expect Caucasian authors to only write white characters (and I am not assuming Blackwell's ethnicity, but he does say that he is non-Native in his afterword) because that's not the solution either. But making sure you represent a different culture and race correctly and fairly is important and, to me, Blackwell missed the mark.

The Boatman’s Daughter: Novel Review

This book swept me away. The suspense was as heavy as the atmosphere, the prose as beautiful as the winding rivers, the horror as gut-wrenching as the struggles of Miranda against the men in the town who want to control her.

Humans are the Problem: Anthology Review

With twenty-two twisted tales, Humans are the Problem: A Monster's Anthology is a collection of stories that explores the question; what is the real monsters are the people? From trolls to tooth fairies and boogeymen to blobs, these monsters have to get creative to deal with the modern-day human!