Bloodlines Interview Series #4: Chris O’Halloran

Welcome to the fourth interview in my five part series around the upcoming collection, Bloodlines, which is due to release Jan 11th. This series will include an interview with each of the four authors involved, culminating in my overall review of Bloodlines itself. Today’s interview: Chris O'Halloran

Interview with Author Alex Wolfgang

Welcome to the second interview in my five part series around the upcoming collection, Bloodlines, which is due to release Jan 11th. This series will include an interview with each of the four authors involved, culminating in my overall review of Bloodlines itself. Today’s interview: Alex Wolfgang

Interview with Author Carson Winter

Welcome to the first interviews in my five part series around the upcoming collection, Bloodlines, which is due to release Jan 11th. This series will include an interview with each of the four authors involved, culminating in my overall review of Bloodlines itself. Today's interview: Carson Winter

Stolen Tongues: Novel Review

Obviously modern authors face a difficulty when it comes to representing cultures that aren't their own. And obviously I don't expect Caucasian authors to only write white characters (and I am not assuming Blackwell's ethnicity, but he does say that he is non-Native in his afterword) because that's not the solution either. But making sure you represent a different culture and race correctly and fairly is important and, to me, Blackwell missed the mark.

The Boatman’s Daughter: Novel Review

This book swept me away. The suspense was as heavy as the atmosphere, the prose as beautiful as the winding rivers, the horror as gut-wrenching as the struggles of Miranda against the men in the town who want to control her.